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What Is PFAS Chemical? How To Remove From Your Body

PFOA, PFOS, and other PFAS chemical are poly-fluoroalkyl and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), so called because the molecules have more than one type of aromatic fluorine. They can be made from products such as non-stick coated cookware, fire retardant and certain types of detergent. Chemicals like this have been found in various locations around the world, including China and Russia. PFAS and PFOA are chemical compounds associated with firefighting foam and can seep into your bloodstream and lead to serious

How To Do Pilates At Home

Pilates has gained a lot of popularity over the last few years and that trend is not slowing down. People are looking for ways to stay fit without having to put in the time and effort it takes to run or work out at a gym. One way people are staying fit is by performing Pilates At Home. In this article, we'll talk about what you need to know before trying pilates at home and share some tips on how to do it properly. What Is Pilates? Pilates is an ancient exercise that was originally designed to help people

Dental MouthGuard: How It Helps Protect Your Teeth

We all know that it's essential to protect our teeth, and one way to do that is by wearing a dental mouthguard while playing sports. But what many people don't realize is that a Dental MouthGuard can also help protect your teeth from everyday injuries. So if you're looking for extra protection for your smile, consider investing in a dental mouthguard. We all know that it's essential to protect our teeth, and one way to do that is by wearing a dental mouthguard while playing sports. But what many people don't realize is

9 Health Benefits Of Oil Massage

There is no better way to de-stress for most people than with a soothing oil massage. A massage is the best way to unwind after a demanding and stressful week. It has a calming effect on the tissues and muscles. Fortunately, learning how to give a massage is something you can do at home as often as you like. Depending on the oil used, oil massage is one of the special indulgences that can benefit our bodies. A perfect massage goes beyond just a slip; you can use natural products, such as jojoba oil, coconut oil,

The Drawbacks Of Sleeping On The Wrong Mattress

Nowadays, when people claim to have sleeping issues or body pain after they wake up in the morning, they often hear that their wrong mattress can be one of the causes. Until recent times, we were unaware that the mattresses could be the reason behind any sleep or health-related issues. But now, hundreds of academics and experts have established that cozy and comfortable-looking mattresses are at the top of the lists that cause sleep or health-related difficulties.  What Makes a Mattress Wrong for You? So, what makes a

What Should You Know About GERD?

The condition that is known as gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, happens when acid from the stomach rushes back into the tube that connects the mouth and the stomach (esophagus). The lining of your esophagus might become irritated by backwash, often known as acid reflux. Acid reflux affects a significant number of people on a regular basis. Acid reflux that is mild and occurs at least twice a week is considered GERD. On the other hand, acid reflux that is moderate to severe and occurs at least once a week is