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19 Best Home Remedies For Sensitive Teeth Pain

Regular dental checks up are just as necessary as doctor visits, especially if you’re experiencing toothaches after having cold foods or beverages on a regular basis. The Academy of General Dentistry says, over 40 million Americans suffer from teeth sensitivity in some form.

The Source of your sensitivity must identify before therapy may be recommend. In the meanwhile, you might attempt several home treatments to relieve the discomfort until your next dentist check-up.

Home Remedies For Sensitive Teeth Pain


1. Rinse with Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. That is used in this approach to relieving Sensitive teeth pain.

To take advantage of this method, you would need a tablespoon of coconut oil.

Swish a spoonful of virgin coconut oil in your mouth for 20 minutes. After that, spit out the oil and clean your teeth. Make it your habit to do it every day, especially in the morning.

2. Vitamins

Vitamin B and vitamin E are essential for relieving dental sensitivity. You may need to take some supplements if you aren’t receiving enough.

The two vitamins work together to reduce inflammation in the afflicted area and give you relief from Sensitive teeth pain.

These vitamins can obtain via foods such as fish, almonds, spinach, kale, turnip, meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy.

3. Onions

Onions are antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, and they may use to alleviate tooth discomfort as well as combat oral infections. You’ll need a slice of onion to chew for a few minutes or apply to the afflicted region for around 10 minutes. For best effects, do this once or twice a day.

4. Yoghurt

Yoghurt protects enamel against demineralization. So buy yourself a half-bowl of plain yoghurt and devour it. Make it a habit to do this at least once a day.

5. Rinse with Saltwater

Another approach to combat germs in the mouth and improve oral hygiene is to use a saltwater rinse as a mouthwash.

Researchers discovered that a saltwater rinse might be as efficient as chlorhexidine mouthwash in reducing tooth plaque in a study.

Salt is an antiseptic that can also aid in the reduction of inflammation. Gargle with the saltwater rinse twice a day to relieve discomfort from sensitive teeth. To utilize a saltwater rinse, follow these steps:

• Mix 12 to 34 teaspoons of salt into a glass of lukewarm water.

• For up to 30 seconds, swish the solution into your mouth.

• Solution Spit out.

6. Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)

Hydrogen peroxide is a strong antiseptic and disinfectant. It’s extensively used to sterilize cuts, burns, and other wounds to help prevent infection. Peroxide can also use as a mouthwash to aid in gum healing and inflammation reduction. Follow these instructions to use hydrogen peroxide as a mouth rinse:

• Mix equal amounts of warm water and two caps of 3% hydrogen peroxide.

• This For up to 30 seconds, swish the solution.

• Solution Spit out.

• After that, rinse with water to get rid of any leftover hydrogen peroxide.

7. Warm Water with Honey

Honey has antibacterial properties and can use in a wound. It is a Trusted Source. Honey can aid in the speeding up of the healing process as well as the reduction of pain, inflammation and swelling.

Clean your mouth with lukewarm water and a teaspoon of honey to relieve sensitive tooth discomfort. This rinse will aid oral healing.

8. Turmeric

Turmeric may use as an anti-inflammatory therapy in addition to cooking. Curcumin, a chemical found in turmeric, has anti-inflammatory properties.

It has been utilized in Ayurvedic therapies and therapy for digestive disorders and as a wound-healing agent.

Massage ground turmeric on your teeth for dental health and to relieve discomfort from sensitive teeth. Make a topical paste with one teaspoon of turmeric, 12 teaspoons of salt, and 12 teaspoons of mustard oil as an alternative. For pain treatment, apply this paste to your teeth and gums twice a day.

9. Capsaicin is a Kind of Chilli Pepper

Capsaicin is a spicy compound found naturally in chilli peppers. Although capsaicin can induce burning when applied to the skin or gums, it may also help to relieve pain.

Capsaicin is a chemical present in many spicy peppers, including chilli peppers. It is what gives these peppers their spiciness. Capsaicin is an analgesic that has used to treat burning mouth syndrome by decreasing inflammation and discomfort. The authors state that using capsaicin topically can help alleviate some forms of pain.

Scientists aren’t sure how this works, but they suspect capsaicin numbs nerve fibres, making them less capable of transmitting pain impulses.

Capsaicin can be used as a topical gel or as a mouth rinse to treat sensitive teeth. It may burn at first, but with regular application, it will ultimately lessen pain sensations. Capsaicin gel applied to the gums may help relieve discomfort from sensitive teeth.

10. Green Tea

Another substance that is well-known for its health advantages is green tea. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities have been employed in cancer prevention and cardiovascular health research. Green tea is also beneficial to dental health.

Use unsweetened green tea as a mouthwash twice a day to strengthen teeth and reduce inflammation if you have sensitive teeth.

11. Extract Vanilla

Antiseptic and pain-relieving can be found in vanilla extract. It has been used to alleviate the pain and discomfort that newborns experience when they begin teething.

Pour vanilla extract onto a cotton ball to soothe sore teeth. For a few minutes, apply the cotton ball to your gums and do this process as often as needed.

12. Guava Leaves

Having guava leaves or using a topical gel containing guava leaf extract may help relieve dental pain and sensitivity.

According to a Reliable Source on the Health Benefits of Guava Leaves, extracts rich in guava flavonoids have the ability to relieve toothache due to their pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial characteristics.

13. Clove Gel

People have traditionally used clove oil as a folk treatment for toothache. According to research, this is about more than simply tradition.

A source compared clove gel to topical benzocaine, a gel that dentists frequently use to numb a person’s gums before placing needles. The findings suggested that clove gel may be equally helpful as benzocaine gel in reducing needle discomfort.

Clove gel or oil applied to the gums may help decrease tooth sensitivity and discomfort. However, additional study into the usage of clove gel is needed to prove its advantages.

14. Tea Tree Oil is an Essential Oil

Tea tree oil’s anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties make it perfect for improving oral health. Combine six drops of tea tree oil with one teaspoon of coconut oil.

Stir the mixture thoroughly before applying it to the afflicted region. Allow it to sit for about 10 minutes before rinsing it with water. Do this at least once or twice a day, taking care not to ingest the oil combination.

15. Fluoride Mouthwash

Fluoride helps to build the enamel of the teeth and can significantly lessen pain. You only need a cup of fluoride mouthwash. Take a drink and swish it around in your mouth. Make sure you rinse it well for at least 2 minutes before spitting it out. For best results, repeat this process twice a day.

16. Garlic

Chewing on a piece of garlic creates a chemical called allicin for a short period of time. According to the authors’ study, allicin contains antibacterial characteristics and may aid in the killing of bacteria that cause oral illnesses, such as Streptococcus mutans.

Total microbial accumulation around the teeth and gums can cause tooth decay, which can exacerbate tooth sensitivity. Combating these germs may delay development and reduce tooth sensitivity.

17. Toothpaste Containing Fluoride

It suggested that you should use fluoride toothpaste to keep your teeth in good condition. If a tooth is healthy, there will be no discomfort associated with sensitive teeth. Fluoride helps to build the enamel of the teeth and, as a result, greatly reduces pain.

18. Agents that Desensitize

Desensitizing toothpaste contains chemicals that reduce the sensitivity of dentin. Dentin is a firm, porous tissue found under the enamel layer in all teeth.

When dentin is less porous, liquid has a more difficult time passing through it. Reduced permeability shields the nerve underneath, reducing tooth sensitivity and discomfort.

19. Dental Desensitizing Agents Include

  • Ions of metal
  • potassium
  • oxalates

For those with sensitive teeth, one alternative is to use a desensitizing toothpaste containing potassium.

In one investigation, researchers applied rhubarb and spinach oxalate extracts to dentine discs extracted from human molars. The results suggest that these extracts may help reduce tooth sensitivity.

The Most Common Reasons

Teeth can become sensitive when the enamel, the protective top layer, and the solvent evaporate.

When the enamel of the teeth decays, the dentin beneath becomes more permeable, enabling liquids and gases to pass through more easily.

A layer called dental pulp exists underneath dentin and includes many nerve terminals and blood arteries. A person may feel pain when chemicals penetrate through the dentin to reach these nerve terminals. This discomfort can be increased by drinking hot or cold beverages and chewing.

All of the Following Can Wear Down Enamel and Cause Tooth Sensitivity

  • Eating acidic foods
  • Gingivitis
  • Excessive teeth brushing or brushing too hard
  • Tooth whitening
  • Grinding or clenching the teeth

Preventive Measures

Tips for Preventing Tooth Sensitivity

The use of a soft bristles brush would reduce abrasive wear on the teeth. A stiff bristles brush can have an abrasive impact on the teeth and gums, causing discomfort or enamel erosion.

  • How you clean your teeth is really important. Brushing your teeth with too much power may inflame your gums and cause the enamel to wear away. Brush lightly at regular intervals, swinging from side to side and top to bottom.
  • Grinding your teeth frequently is one of the quickest ways to cause them to wear. Grinding your teeth together wears them down and can even cause them to shatter. To be on the safe side, avoid thoroughly grinding your teeth.
  • Based on everything we’ve examined so far, it’s apparent that acidic foods play a role in tooth deterioration. As a result, the pain associated with sensitive teeth has returned. Experiment with new low-acid delights.
  • Nothing beats proper dental hygiene. If you do not clean your teeth twice a day, use mouthwash, and floss your teeth, you are putting yourself up for a slew of dental problems.

A frequent trip to the dentist might not be a bad idea. A dentist can help you maintain track of your dental health and treat you if something goes wrong. You should contact your dentist right away.

There are other foods that should avoid while suffering from sensitive tooth discomfort. They are as follows:

  • Sodas
  • Vanilla ice cream
  • Hot tea
  • Chocolate
  • Hot coffee
  • Fruits with citrus peel
  • Tomatoes
  • Icy drinks

When Should You Visit a Dentist?

A dental examination may require to determine the source of extreme tooth sensitivity.

If a person has continuous or severe dental sensitivity and discomfort, they should consult their dentist.

A Dentist may Recommend: 

  • Using a fluoride gel or desensitizing chemicals
  • A filling
  • An inlay or onlay
  • A root canal
  • A crown
  • A surgical gum graft


Many people suffer from dental sensitivity and discomfort as a result of the progressive deterioration of tooth enamel. According to research, specific home treatments can help alleviate tooth sensitivity.

Oral hygiene is the most effective strategy to avoid tooth decay, gum disease, and the development of sensitivity.

People who have severe or persistent sensitivity should visit a dentist for a check-up. A dentist can provide in-office treatments to address tooth sensitivity, depending on the reason.


Many home treatments may use to alleviate mouth pain and tooth sensitivity. Professional treatments for dental pain, on the other hand, are recommended. Home cures can temporarily relieve pain, but they may not address the underlying cause of your discomfort.

If you are not getting relief or symptoms do not improve after a few days, you may require further therapy. At your next appointment, discuss your choices with your dentist.


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