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Skin Care

Laser Hair Removal: Work, Side Effect, Pros and Cons

You shave and two days later you can feel the little stubble already growing back. Has this happened to you? Are you tired of shaving constantly? Maybe you have tried switching to waxing but it does not seem to help either. Waxing can be a painful and tedious process. Plus, you have to periodically dish out money every few weeks, which does not make it a cheap affair. Dealing with body hair removal can get stressful. It is an ongoing process and requires your time as well as patience. Laser Hair Removal is the answer to

9 Amazing Turmeric Face Pack For Glowing Skin

Turmeric, also known as haldi, has been around for a long time. Remember the allusions to 'haldi Chandan'? This mixture is considered a blessing for your skin since it gives it a wonderful golden shine. Its anti-acne and anti-inflammatory characteristics not only treat bacterial infections and scars, but it also calms the skin and evens up the complexion. A turmeric face pack, when combined with additional substances that boost its effects, is a reliable solution for practically all of your skin problems. Also, find a

How to Use Vitamin E Capsules For Skin

Vitamin E capsules for skin are a secret weapon of any beauty addict worth her tricks. Although vitamin E is beneficial for our bodies as a whole, it is especially useful for our skin and hair. There are several uses for it, including nourishing hair follicles and increasing collagen formation. It may be taken orally, applied topically, or contained inside capsules. Vitamin E capsules for skin benefit are a great boon since they may be used internally and externally for better skin. Their little stature should not be