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COVID 19: Safety Measures and precautions

Information about Safety Measures in the fight with COVID 19 which is approved by WHO. These measures will reduce the chance of a person getting infected. Check COVID-19 Prevention Tips.

What Is Coronavirus

The pandemic covid 19 has affected disastrously one’s life. This was an unpredictable threat to the world which has shaken the economic conditions. This virus is infectious and it transmits through coming in touch with the person who is already infected. This virus commonly spread with close contact and it spread through a few droplets of infectious persons. Those droplets can also travel through the air and easily infect various people. Recent research has shown that droplets of infectious people remain active until ten minutes. This is the most contagious in the initial three days after the symptoms have been observed though it can also transmit before observing the symptoms. Diagnosis is the only standard method to find whether a person is infected or not.

Most of the common symptoms are fever, cough, shortness of breath, no taste, and sometimes no symptoms are observed. This contagious disease results in pneumonia, viral sepsis, kidney failure, and acute respiratory distress syndrome. Fever is the most common symptom but variations have been observed where the critically ill patient was not having a fever.

Symptoms of Coronavirus

The study of experts has shown that only 44% of the people had to fever those who were presented to the hospital. Loss of appetite and muscle pain is other common symptoms. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea are other symptoms that are observed in some amount of people. Now it is observed that no symptoms are observed at the moment when a person is infected and by the time person develops the symptoms. The incubation period is 6 days in most cases but it can take 14 and more days to develop symptoms in some cases.

Shortness of breath is an early symptom and it usually develops way before other symptoms. Whereas shortness of breath without cough and fever is most probably anxiety rather than covid 19. Saliva carries a huge amount of chance of infection. Medical procedures have shown that the virus is transmitted normally and more easily. This is an unknown disease and the experts are still investigating as the transmission is easily done between people.

Coronavirus News

There are various protocols have been published by WHO such as real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. Respiratory samples are used to conduct this long covid test and results can come in some hours or in two days. The result from the blood test has very less immediate value and requires two samples so another test is preferred.

The vaccine for covid 19 is not expected to be formed till the 2021 initial. Most countries have issued guidelines that there are few chances to build medication for covid 19. There are some preventive measures that are used to manage this pandemic. The pandemic is managed by decreasing the rate of infection and providing better treatment for the cases. The countries are trying to handle this pandemic by providing better treatment and reducing the risk of health services.

India has developed an application called ‘Arogya setu’. In this application, the infected people are detected and the information is made available to all the users of this application. This is the first digital step that has been taken by India to prevent covid 19.

Ways to Stay Unaffected by Covid 19-

Most of the common prevention is staying at home. The common precaution is that you have to wash your hand regularly with soap and water but you can also use alcohol-based hand rub. To protect yourself and your family you have to wash your hand thoroughly. If you are using sanitizer then the precautions that should be taken care of which are-

  • Don’t let your children use sanitizer and if require then provide guidance.
  • Apply a large amount of sanitizer to your hand.
  • You should not touch your face immediately after applying the hand sanitizer.
  • Cook after applying sanitizer.

You can protect yourself from getting sick by regularly washing your hand after sneezing and before and after you cook food. In any circumstance, you require to wash your hand which is a must precaution for safety.

Social Distancing

The WHO has issued several guidelines for precaution but the most important precaution is to maintain a safe distance from people. You should most of the time stay at home. If necessary, when you go out make sure you maintain a safe distance from the people. Social distancing is the only precaution that can prevent the threat of Covid 19. When you go to public places, you make sure that at any time you do not get in touch with another person. You should not use a handshake while greeting as, through the hand, the transmission is easier.

In case you are having a cold, fever any other difficulty like breathing problems seek medical care, but call in advance and then take all the precautions stated by the local authority. Self-isolates in case of any minor symptoms which are cough, headache, or mild fever. While staying at home, you should exercise to maintain yourself fit and eat a healthy diet to increase your immunity.” Stay home Stay safe” is the tagline that people are using to communicate the importance of maintaining social distancing.

The people should maintain at least 6 feet(2 arm’s length) to practice social distancing.

Use of Face Mask

You have to make sure that people around you are following proper hygiene. You should always cover your mouth and nose with the mask as there is more chance of transmission. After using a mask one day, you should throw that away to reduce the chance of infection or you can use the re-use mask as well.

Drinking a lot of Water does not Flush Covid 19-

There is no study by experts that have proved that drinking a lot of water reduces the threat of coronavirus. But you should drink water as it makes you stay healthy which is essential in case of fighting with covid 19.

Is Covid 19 Always Comes with Severe Illness-

No, there is no confirmation as everyone who gets infected with this virus does not require hospitalization. There are some people who are most likely to get ill than others. This means they require proper medical attention which involves intensive care and a ventilator. People who are older and underlying from any medical condition are likely to be more get ill than any other normal person. The cases which are commonly considered severe cases require proper medical attention and they have to stay in touch with their medical provider to know the updates.

How to Steer Sickness

If you have any symptoms of a cold, fever, or cough. You can stay home if the fever is mild as they can easily recover at home. If you have any emergency symptoms, seek medical care.

Steps to prevent from covid 19 in case of sickness

  • Stay home– You are required to stay home if there is a mild illness and do self-care by staying hydrated and eating a healthy diet. You are required to avoid public transportation and go for a check-up once.
  • Follow social distancing– You are required to stay in a specific room in your own house and also use separate facilities. Cover your face always with a mask or any cloth to reduce the risk of infection.
  • Detect your symptoms– The person is required to detect the symptom and self-isolate himself. They are required to follow the instruction issued by local health authorities.

Conditions when medical attention is required-

There are some symptoms that are considered emergency warning signals. Any person facing those symptoms requires medical attention. The emergency symptoms are-

  • Shortness of breath
  • Pain in chest
  • Inability to wake
  • Bluish lips or face

These are not the only symptoms for further guidance, a person is required to contact the concerned medical care.

  • Protect your cough– You are required to cover your mouth and nose by wearing a mask or using any cloth. You are required to wash your hands often with 60% alcohol-containing sanitiser.
  • Wash your hands regularly– A person is required to wash his hand with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. This is essential when a person repeatedly touches his nose while coughing or preparing food. When dirt on hand is visible, soap and water are preferred. But a person can also use hand sanitizer to protect himself when dirt on his hands is not visible.
  • Do not share personal household items– The glass, cup, towels and other stuff like this is an easy way for transmission. So it is suggested to not share these personal items. Moreover, these items should get wash regularly.

High-touch surfaces are none other than things which we use in our daily life such as phone, remote, bathroom fixtures, tables, etc. These are required to be clean by using cleaners as they involve the huge risk of infection. Moreover, by using all these precautions, a person can keep himself safe during this pandemic.

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