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Hartalika Teej 2024: Date, Time, Fasting Rules

The celebration of the third and most well-known of the three important Teejs that take place between the Sawan and Bhadrapada months, the Hartalika Teej, is just around the corner. Following the fasting days of Hariyali Teej festival and Kajari Teej, the ladies of Bihar, Eastern Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, and certain areas of Madhya Pradesh are occupied with the preparations for one of the most significant celebrations in those regions. This year, the holiday of Hartalika Teej 2024 date, will be observed on the 6th of September, on Friday.

During the Shukla Paksha Tritiya of the Bhadrapada month, the Hartalika Teej 2024 Vrat is perform. On this day, improvised sculptures of Lord Shiva and Devi Parvati are made out of sand and worship for the purpose of achieving marital happiness. Those who are single and looking for a partner to marry are also in requirement to observe the fast.

Women who follow the Hartalika Teej Fast 2024 abstain from food and drink for close to twenty-four hours, making it one of the most challenging forms of fasting. This is because the Hartalika Teej fast is primarily nirjala, or “without water.” Depending on the traditions that a particular family adheres to, there may be a way to make an exception for pregnant women and ill people so that they may have fruits and water. This would be the case if they were unwell.

On this day, shringar samagri, such as mehndi, bichua, kajal, bindi, and bangles, are presented to Goddess Parvati and Lord Shiva. Additionally, the amount of fruits and sweets that are offer must equal three. The colours green and red are often seen in the clothing that women wear.

Where does the Name Come From?

Harat is an Arabic word that denotes kidnapping, while Talika refers to a female companion. A companion of Goddess Parvati is said to have kidnap her and taken her to a remote part of the jungle. So that her father would not force her to marry Lord Vishnu against her will, as the narrative goes. The first Teej after a marriage is in regards as a particularly momentous occasion. And extensive ceremonies are to mark it.

Whether or not this is your first time observing the Hartalika Teej festival, the following is a list of all of the fasting guidelines, as well as the things that you should and should not do, in order to get the blessings of Lord Shiva and Maa Parvati:

Hariyali Teej Fasting Rules

Here are some hartalika teej fast rules that you have to follow:

1. Nahay Khay

Before doing puja and taking sankalp for the fast that will begin the next day. It is recommending that you take a bath, wash your hair well, and put on clean clothing the day before the festival. You are not permissible to eat until after the puja is complete. Food that is not permit to be ingest during the fast. Such as brinjal or masoor dal, should not be in consumption and meals should be cook with the highest level of cleanliness. There are several rites that are very much like jyutiya and chhath.

2. Sargi

Before starting the fast, a meal called a Sargi consisting of nutritious items such juice, fruits, nuts, glucose, and tea should be consumed. All of this is to be eaten before dawn, also known as Suryodaya. This occurs between 2:30 and 4 in the morning. Sargi is another dish that is in consumption during the Karwa Chauth celebration. It is often sent by those who live in mayka or sasural. It is crucial to partake in the ritual of Sargi because the nutritious meal will allow you to maintain your energy levels throughout the day.

3. Guidelines for Pregnant and Sick Women

If you are pregnant, have a health condition that prevents you from going without food for an extended period of time, or if you believe that you will not be able to remain hungry for an extended period of time. Then you need to have fruit juice or any fruit once per day after the puja. During the time when you are supposed to be fasting. You need not to eat very often. While they are in requirement to fast. Pregnant women need to consume anything they deem necessary for their health, such as fruits, juice, tea, etc.

4. Solah Shringar

During the time of Teej, Solah Shringar is of the utmost significance. All of these accessories—the sindoor, the mangalsutra, the bichua, the bindi, and the bangles—play a significant role for married women. In most cases, females will shop for these cosmetics in the days leading up to the event with their female friends and members of their family. In addition, one should pray for their spouse and other members of their family to have a long life. And also present the Solah Shringar to Maa Parvati. Wearing colours such as green and red is recommend. While avoiding colours that have any amount of black in their composition.

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5. Makeshift Statues of Lord Shiva and Family

Sand sculptures of Lord Shiva, Maa Parvati, and Lord Ganesha are in requirement to be erect. And also preserved in the space designated for the puja. In the event that one is unable to create such idols. One may instead maintain photos of them in order to do puja.

6. Should Fasting be done During Menstruation?

You are permit to observe the teej fast 2024 even if you are currently experiencing menstruation. However, the puja itself must be carried out at a distance with the assistance of a member of your family.

7. Best Time for Teej Puja

It is recommending that the Teej puja be perform in the morning. However, if you are unable to do so for any reason, you may do the puja in pradosh kal in the evening instead. It is recommending that a person do Teej puja in a group rather than by themselves.

Hartalika Teej

8. How to Break the Fast?

Before daybreak in the morning is the best time to do the Teej puja vrat paran. Black gram that has been soak, along with cucumber, is permit for women to break the fast with. After then, an elaborate supper is made, and everyone in the family sits down to enjoy it together. Women also celebrate this day by having a good time and singing traditional songs that are associate to the monsoon.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. When is Hartalika Teej 2024

In the month of Adhik Maas Sawan. The Hariyali Teej festival takes place on the third day of the Shukla Paksha. This year, the holiday is being observe today, which is the 6th of September in the year 2024.

2. Can I drink water in Hartalika fast?

Women who are fasting are require to dress in Indian garb that is both fresh and clean. On the day of Vrat, married women are expecting to observe a state of chastity throughout the day. During this time, women are not permissible to consume anything, not even water.

3. What to eat during the Hartalika fast?

Before starting the fast, a meal called a Sargi consisting of nutritious items such as juice, fruits, nuts, glucose, and tea should be consumed. All of this has to be eaten before Suryodaya, also known as dawn. This occurs between 2:30 and 4 in the morning.

4. When should I break Hartalika Teej fast?

This fast is observing from the beginning of the Bhadrapada Shukla Tritiya Tithi to the beginning of the Chaturthi the next day at dawn.

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